‘Conversations About Iraq’ is a travelling project designed to stimulate discussion about the Iraq war. Its approach, though, is different than the usual discourse around this topic: an actual car destroyed in a bombing is towed behind a massive trailer. It creates a striking presence by being parked for a day in populated, busy areas while (in Cincinnati) Jonathan Harveya (a Platoon Sergeant in the US Army and reservist) and Esam Pashaan (an Iraqi translator, artist, and journalist) spoke with attendees.
It was followed by a sincere panel discussion in the CAC. Footage of previous locations was included at the panel of
participants willing to be filmed; their recounting of personal experience in/with Iraq, such as also by Harveya and especially Esam, was the most touching aspect of the project, as per its goal.
This art project was designed by Jeremy Deller. It will not remain in its current form, for then it would be better categorized as purely humanitarian (and a wonderful one); I am curious what transformations will occur with the footage, car wreckage, etc. at its completion to elevate it to a poetic conclusion.
Presented by Creative Time and the New Museum, ‘It Is What It Is: Conversations About Iraq.’ Commission by Jeremy Deller for the Three M Project.