Daniel Brown will be speaking about issues in contemporary art. In particular, he will speak about the difference between collecting and investing.
This will take place at the Greenwich House Gallery at 7pm on November 3rd. All are invited to attend. The event is open to the public.
2124 Madison Road
Cincinnati OH 45208
513 871 8787
The Creative Garden
By Jerry Stein
Greatness is such a rare visitor to the stage--any stage--that when it does
appear it is often relegated to the shadows of the mainstream...
Further questions about Hard Knocks.
The summer issue of Cincinnati's online arts journal Aeqai contains a
review of Thunder-Sky Inc.'s current exhibition "Hard Knocks." It's been
exciting t...
Cincinnati Art Snob Blog Moves to Wordpress
After a few years with Blogger, I've decided to move the blog over to
Wordpress. Wordpress provides a template allowing me to better showcase
certain featu...